We're Trying to Have Puppies Part 2

 A few weeks had gone by since we had last talked to Jake's owner. It is weird that I knew the dog's name, but didn't know his.  My daughter was pretty ecstatic about the idea of potential puppies and so while I was watching Gypsy for signs of fertility, my daughter was practically keeping a vigil.
  When the appropriate signs were there we loaded Gypsy into the truck and took her to the guys property. We left her secured in a place where Jake could find her, with some food and told Jakes owner we would be in touch.
  Long story short; it didn't work.  I mean Jake gave it the old college try , or whatever, but Gypsy just wasn't having any part of it and she proved that she was willing to inflict damage on him rather than submit to his amourous advances.  After a few days we went and got her.
  Six months later we tried again. And six months after that.  And now a few years have passed. No puppies, and now when we drive down that dirt road I don't even see Jake.  I don't see his owner.  The place truly looks abandoned.

Oh well. what more can be said?


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